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 (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention

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(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty
PostSubject: (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention   (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention EmptyWed Jun 18, 2014 8:12 pm

Welcome to the Region Naming Convention for the First Map (by first map, I mean it is the first before any updates, that shift regions), and a big thank you for picking good places (I expressed this in a map claims post). But what we really need is to start naming the region and major land marks (i.e. mountain ranges, deserts, forests...), so what I've done is marked out major places that we need to name.

Also, remember, let's try not to have IRL major names, but we can have some obscure names. And for the sake of understanding what continent is supposed to correspond with the IRL continent, i've given them each names (they have changed since I last posted that "guideline" thing, as nations have claimed in different places)

Also note that the "regions" that I've marked in this region are only for climate and have nothing to correspond with on the IRL map as per location:

(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Regions
full size

A key for this map is:

blue marks major forested areas that could be named
cream marks major bodies of water that could be named
red marks major mountain ranges that could be named
orange marks major deserts that could be named

Also before you post here, if a major monument (island, chain of islands, mountain range) falls mostly or completely under the jurisdiciton of one nation, let them get their say in this convention before you decide the name of the feature without them knowing.

And when you suggest something, to make it easier, say what region the feature is in/around.

Thank you for taking your time to read this, and I hope for some active participation,
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(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty
PostSubject: Re: (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention   (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention EmptySun Jun 22, 2014 6:06 pm

Everyone, a reminder, we actually need to do this, so if people could help out, that would be great! Unless you want me to name everything for you!
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Age : 49
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(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty
PostSubject: Re: (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention   (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention EmptySun Jun 22, 2014 6:34 pm

(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Qz0jcwW_zps1fd17d9d

  1. Mount Civitius
  2. Crassus Forest
  3. Krasnorysk Mountains
  4. Arabian Woods
  5. Mount Khazad-Dum
  6. Congolese Mountains
  7. Great Ermelandic Desert
  8. Yellasian Sea
  9. Mountains of the South
  10. Sea of the West
  11. Akaviri Forest
  12. Southern Wastelands

Not great, but no one else seems to have any ideas. Razz
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(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty
PostSubject: Re: (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention   (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention EmptySun Jun 22, 2014 7:49 pm

I think what you typed as 9-12 actually correspond to your 10-13 on your drawing? You're missing what you would call the islands in the center-right Smile

I do really like the names, and I would like to see the opinions of the whole group. My suggestions for this convention are:

(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Qz0jcwW_zps1fd17d9d
1. Civitius Mountains (since you're the only one in the area, I suppose we can keep it as that).
2. Bielovask Forest
3. Kabirnalisk Mountains
4. South Levant Forest
5. Madrasah Mountains
6. North Congolese Mountains (I really like that!)
7. Tahir Desert
8. Oriental Sea
9. Davarni Rainforest
10. South Congolese Mountains
11. Occidental Sea
12. Akaviri Forest
13. Southern Plaguelands (I think it's a more gruesome name!)
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(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty
PostSubject: Re: (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention   (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention EmptyMon Jun 23, 2014 3:51 am

These are some great names, in my opinion, Arvey.
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(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty
PostSubject: Re: (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention   (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention EmptyMon Jun 23, 2014 5:37 am

I agree with Lonbonia.

I would only like to change "South Levant Forest" in South Levan Plains.
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(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty
PostSubject: Re: (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention   (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention EmptyMon Jun 23, 2014 8:55 pm

The big island that Yellasia is on should be called the Island of Yell.
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(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty
PostSubject: Re: (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention   (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention EmptyTue Jun 24, 2014 12:54 pm

Can you extend the East Indies region north to cover the rest of that island?
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(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty
PostSubject: Re: (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention   (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention EmptyTue Jun 24, 2014 3:15 pm

Yellasia wrote:
The big island that Yellasia is on should be called the Island of Yell.
Sounds alright, since it's all under your jurisdiction Smile
Planita wrote:
Can you extend the East Indies region north to cover the rest of that island?
Why? It's already a very large region!
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(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty
PostSubject: Re: (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention   (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention EmptyTue Jun 24, 2014 4:14 pm

Arveyres wrote:
Yellasia wrote:
The big island that Yellasia is on should be called the Island of Yell.
Sounds alright, since it's all under your jurisdiction Smile
Planita wrote:
Can you extend the East Indies region north to cover the rest of that island?
Why? It's already a very large region!
My history is going to be rewritten if we don't
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(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty
PostSubject: Re: (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention   (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention EmptyTue Jun 24, 2014 4:24 pm

Planita wrote:
Arveyres wrote:
Yellasia wrote:
The big island that Yellasia is on should be called the Island of Yell.
Sounds alright, since it's all under your jurisdiction Smile
Planita wrote:
Can you extend the East Indies region north to cover the rest of that island?
Why? It's already a very large region!
My history is going to be rewritten if we don't
I think we all had to rewrite our history. I had to also Mad
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(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty
PostSubject: Re: (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention   (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention EmptyTue Jun 24, 2014 4:54 pm

Arveyres wrote:
Planita wrote:
Arveyres wrote:
Yellasia wrote:
The big island that Yellasia is on should be called the Island of Yell.
Sounds alright, since it's all under your jurisdiction Smile
Planita wrote:
Can you extend the East Indies region north to cover the rest of that island?
Why? It's already a very large region!
My history is going to be rewritten if we don't
I think we all had to rewrite our history. I had to also Mad
OK I didn’t have much history to begin with anyway.  Razz 
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(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty
PostSubject: Re: (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention   (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention EmptyTue Jun 24, 2014 8:14 pm

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(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty
PostSubject: Re: (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention   (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention EmptyTue Jun 24, 2014 11:22 pm

Arveyres wrote:
Yellasia wrote:
The big island that Yellasia is on should be called the Island of Yell.
Sounds alright, since it's all under your jurisdiction Smile


And I haven't even had to rewrite any history yet, aside from the geography changing. >_>
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Age : 49
Location : Ann Arbor, MI

(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty
PostSubject: Re: (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention   (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention EmptyThu Jun 26, 2014 10:32 am

I like the names. They actually fit my history rather well.
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(OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty
PostSubject: Re: (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention   (OOC, Open) Region Naming Convention Empty

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