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 Rules & Goals

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Posts : 20
Join date : 2014-06-15

Rules & Goals Empty
PostSubject: Rules & Goals   Rules & Goals EmptySat Jun 21, 2014 6:08 am

Greetings to everybody!
As you can see, we have now a new section of the forum: Regional Cooperation.

I believe it could be useful to spend out few words about its goals and rules.
The idea behind this section is very simple: to provide a place for every player to "coordinate" the history of its country with one another.
This way, we'll not have anymore watertigh compartment-like histories, but a more strong dynamic between countries.

So, here is what we'll do: every country will have its own thread. There, any player will be free to offer his own participation to that particular history with its own country, or to accept a request from the player of that very country.
Let me do an example: as Ashar, I'll have my own thread. There, I'll then ask if someone is interested in having a colony in my lands in the XVI century. Someone will answer, then we'll coordinate our history, and, finally, I'll put it into writing.

Also, there will be a specific thread reserved to the knowledge of a particular historical period: to make RP and country's histories as more realistic as possible, everybody will be free to post doubts, or questions in that section, and any willing player will be free to answer.

The other rules are always the same for any kind of civil convivence: respect for all.

If there are doubts or other kinds of question, please, feel free to TG me.

Thank you!

Last edited by Arveyres on Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:21 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : sticky)
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